We leave our little home in Ubud today. And I think I may have tears. Not sappy tears about the beauty of the ricefields or the amazing arts all in one place, but the kind you have when you've just experienced something really great. Like the end of summer camp. We've come to the end of "summer camp" in Ubud.
We are leaving for Sanur today. The lazy beach town and relaxing spot. A good place we feel to finish off our last week in Bali. We don't have internet at our hotel however, so we will try and post when we can find an internet cafe.
Today at breakfast we realized just how much the international culture is affecting the kids. A lovely Chinese family had been making faces at Sheppy and when the Grandmother got up to get something and walked passed the table Sheppy replied, "Nee-how" ( Mandarin for hello) She was delighted! I would like to take the credit, but I know it is from the Canadian kids show "Kai lan"... but none the less, impressive that he put it together. We found a nice little cafe in Ubud called the Bali Budda. It has a kids area with toys and yummy healthy food. The kids always enjoy going. However, it is at the end of a very long street and Cadence always feels it is a little too far when we are hungry and hot. She has started saying, Ïts a long ways to Bali Budda isn't guys?" Even when we are not going to Bali Budda. It is just code for I am hungry and hot- Cadsy style.
We walked around Monkey Forest Road yesterday, popping our heads into numerous bead stores and others that peaked our interest. I was carrying Sheps on my back and enjoying the endless chatter and commentary he was providing. As we passed yet another stray dog, I could hear: " Theres a puppy... we don't touch the puppies in Bali.. no touching the animals in Bali... I use my superpowers to not touch you puppy.... I shu you, shu shu puppy.... I macka macka you, you come near me..." followed by a "Macka,Macka You Puppy song".
Thank you to all who are follwing us, we've loved the encouragement.
Lindsay and Fam
Happy b'day Jeff! You are missing a grand snow day in High River. Yes, snow. Enjoy Bali! K