Leg one of the amazing race - no detours, no road blocks, no eliminations! (Actually... one elimination, our applesauce. It was 10ml over size and was siezed as a potential terrorist threat. However silly that may sound, if you have seen Shepherds passport photo, you'd understand why he was deemed a threat.)
Departure from Calgary was smooth...thanks auntie Nicky! We took a quick stop over in Kamloops to visit our dear friends Ryan and Josie. We had a wonderful time.
Then back on our little twin prop, fifty seater to arrive at Vancouver International. A good supper, a good swim in the FREEZING Travelodge hotel pool, which Lindsay avoided in favor of the hot tub...wimp!. And then off to bed.
Today we relax, play and sleep, for tonight we depart at 10pm to the airport for the famed redeye! Then on to Taiwan, three hour layover, then to Bali Baby!
Oooooh, now it gets exciting! We check daily, so the pressure is on, your public awaits.