With sadness we leave, but with excitement we come home. Our departure went great, we met up with the driver from our first home who had lent us his cell phone for the month, and he took us to the airport.
We are on our short layover in Taipei now, it's 10:30pm and the kids have noticed that they missed nap time. Lindsay had a rough flight, the first real case of motion sickness any of us has had. She did admirably, and is feeling much better now. I hope she is OK for the 'sleep-over' flight from here to Vancouver.
It is difficult to say goodbye to a country, especially one that we had just grown comfortable enough with to begin to love. I expect we will see Bali again, though perhaps not very soon. There are many places on our travel hit list...
oh oh... boarding call. See you soon!
I'm looking forward to doing coffee and hearing all about it!! Talk to you soon!