It is almost time to come home. Three more full days here, then two in the air. Bittersweet is the word, and though overused, quite appropriate. Especially in a country full of flavor as this one is.
We walked past a restaurant called the Lemon Swastika yesterday. It left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth... I'd apologize for the sorry pun, but the owner of the restaurant likely wouldn't apologize for the name. Think what you will, but to a Balinese Hindu, this is a centuries old symbol of the cycle of life, and should not be abandoned simply because it was mis-used. Regardless, I find it unnerving.
Our last home is lovely, but unfortunately has poor wifi. So here I sit, a few blocks away at a 'M-Mart' Basically a half-size 7-11 store with a little cafe at the back for me and a half dozen other lost tech-junkies. The wifi is slow here too, but at least reliably so.
Though it may take some coaxing, if you get a chance, see if you can get Cadence to perform a Balinese dance for you when you see her next. We've been trying to bolster her confidence on this one because it is absolutely brilliant.
Bali is home to intensive digestive therapy. Even the locals know the short cuts,magic tricks and secrets. Guava Juice, pocari sweat, avoid the lettuce, don't drink the tap water. But the best is the marketing job that the 'spiritual' guides offer. 'Come to Bali and experience wholistic cleansing' Like they invented curry or something. Though I jest, the food here is incredible. Even the kids no longer request chicken or its 'Sate'(Chicken and rice) or 'Mie Goreng' (Fried noodles) I'm looking forward to BBQ season to see how well I can re-create these goodies.
Good Night all... I hear it dumped snow in Alberta over the last day or two... I think I got a burn at the beach today... musta been 35! Yup... that is the sound of me gloating... far out of range of your snowballs!